Eye Health: 60 Years and Older – Crocodile Tears

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Eye Health: 60 Years and Older

Eye Health: 60 Years and Older

  • Lauren Rosecan

The best way to protest eyesight is by getting regular exams, which is a simple precaution. Additionally, proper eye nutrition is another vision safeguard.

Eye Health: How is Nutrition a Key Component? 

It is important to choose foods that are rich in antioxidants such as green leafy vegetables, vitamins A and C, and fish as part of a healthy diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish, as well as many other foods, which is vital for the health of the eye’s macula.

The macula can become harmed when an individual consumes too many saturated fats and alcohol, and does not consume enough antioxidants. Diets high in fat could also cause constricted arterial blood flow. Because eyes have such small blood vessels, they are particularly sensitive to this issue.

When Diet Isn’t Enough:

According to studies, maintaining eye health can be achieved through proper nutrition. However, as individuals age, diet alone may not be enough.

Ocuvite® Adult 50+ Lutein & Omega-3 Formula was developed by Bausch and Lomb for this reason. Nutritional support is provided with this unique formula for individuals at risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Each soft gel contains 6 mg of Lutein and 150 mg of Omega 3, in addition to antioxidant vitamins E and C; all of which are important nutrients to the macula.

Is Smoking Harmful to the Eyes?

Stress from a high level of oxidative exposure to the eyes occurs from smoking. There is no definitive connection, however smoking does increase risks toward the development of eye health issues. There are a number of resources available for those interested in quitting including www.ffsonling.org.


It is important to exercise to improve blood circulation to help improve levels of oxygen to your eyes and remove toxins.

Wearing Sunglasses

It feels wonderful to be outdoors all day, however it is rough on eyes. Wearing sunglasses is a great solution because harmful UV rays are blocked. Wearing a hat with a brim is also helpful.

Computer Usage

When spending more than two hours using a computer, eye stress is common. Here are some tips to reduce this issue:

  • Your computer screen should be lower than eye level
  • Keep the distance between documents and your computer screen at a minimum
  • Sooth dry, irritated eyes using drops like Bausch + Lomb Advanced Eye Relief Dry Eye Rejuvenation Lubricant Eye Drops
  • Keep lights adjusted to prevent glare on computer screen
  • Give your eyes a break every 15 minutes by focusing on distant objects
  • Practice frequent blinking

Injuries to the Eye

Seek professional attention immediately if your eyes become injured. This is the simplest way to protect your vision. Here are some eye injury symptoms:

  • Eyelids that are torn or cut
  • Vision or pain issues
  • Loss of movement in one eye compared to the other
  • Eye protrusion compared to the other
  • Pupil shape or size that is abnormal
  • The white of the eye contains blood
  • The eye has something embedded in it
  • A foreign object cannot be easily removed from under eyelid