Eye Hydration – Crocodile Tears

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Eye Hydration

Eye Hydration

  • Lauren Rosecan

Do you experience consistent itchiness, irritation, and burning sensation in your eyes? If yes, you are probably suffering from dry eyes. Some of the most common causes of dry eyes include prolonged wearing of contact lenses and insufficient production of tears.

If you want to hydrate your eyes and prevent irritation, you might want to try doing the following:

  1. Apply artificial tears in your eyes.

    Using artificial tear eye drops is the most efficient way to deal with dry eyes, especially if your eyes do not produce sufficient amount of tears naturally. This type of eye drops can greatly alleviate the discomfort, and some can even be bought over the counter. One thing to remember is that these artificial tear eye drops are not the same as those which are used for red eyes.

  2. Use lubrication while sleeping.

    It is advisable to apply eye lubrication before you sleep, if your eyes get dry while sleeping. In order to know the kind of mineral oil lubricant that is most suitable for your condition, consult with your ophthalmologist.

  3. Blink your eyes frequently.

    The most natural way to make your eyes produce more tears is by blinking. When you are working in front of the computer or focusing on something, you are actually blinking less frequent. So if you want to avoid having dry eyes, blink frequently and take short breaks from your work to rest your eyes.

  4. Keep Your Body Hydrated

    Increasing your fluid intake is also an effective way to make your eyes produce more tears.

  5. Use a humidifier or air cleaner in your home.

    Sometimes, the presence of dust or pollen and the lack of air moisture cause dry eyes. With this, using an air cleaner and humidifier in your house may be helpful in reducing the adverse symptoms.

  6. Hydrate your contact lenses.

    Make sure that you maintain your contact lenses and keep them well-hydrated. Additionally, you should never forget to remove your contact lenses before you go to sleep and clean them with the recommended saline solution. You might also want to replace your existing contact lenses with the breathable type in order to solve dry eye problems.

  7. Maintain a healthy diet.

    Eating the right kinds of food can alleviate the symptoms of dry eyes and any other medical condition. Foods that are rich in Omega-3, and vitamin A, E, and C are particularly helpful in maintaining well-lubricated and healthy eyes.

  8. Remove the blockage in your tear ducts.

    In some cases, dry eyes are caused by blocked tear ducts. So try to unblock them in order for your natural hydration system to work properly again.

  9. Get sufficient amounts of sleep.

    Getting enough sleep will enable your eyes to rest and replenish the moisture they need.

Doing the things listed in this article can help ease the discomfort that you are experiencing. Aside from making you feel more comfortable, keeping your eyes lubricated can also prevent other problems such as eye strain. Remember that if you have severe dry eyes and the mentioned ways do not seem to work, it is best to consult with a physician as soon as possible.